Meet Jan Olson, the Fitness and Living Well Manager at Paradise Valley Estates, and her team of personal trainers. Their unique personal training program is improving the lives of residents while also providing resources for growth and improvement for the entire wellness program. Here's how offering personal training has benefited residents and generated an additional $90,000 to grow and expand the wellness program.
Q: Why did you decide to start a personal training program at Paradise Valley? What need were you wanting to meet?
A: Our residents range from 65-102 and many of them are insistent about active aging. Since each resident is unique, with different interests, personal training allows us to focus on functional exercises that will support their idea about what it means to have a full life.
The personal training program is very flexible to the needs of our residents. Some residents only want a once-monthly check-in with a trainer, while others want to work with a trainer every time they come in. Regardless, the HUR equipment makes it easy to incorporate that level of flexibility into each resident's program. The HUR Smart technology and the HUR SmartBalance have given us a way to create a data-driven program. Our trainers incorporate the data into their work to create even more effective training plans.
In addition to better serving our residents, another important goal of the program was to generate additional revenue. Participation in the personal training program requires an additional fee, which resulted in a $90,000 increase in revenue for Paradise Valley last year.
Q: Were residents resistant to the extra fee to participate in Personal Training?
A: At first, our residents were resistant to the additional fee. They were conditioned to believe that one fee should cover everything on campus. We worked hard to educate them about the value of personal training and how the extra fee would allow us to create a better program for them.
As it turns out, we believe that the extra fee is one of the key reasons for the program's success.
Residents want to get their money's worth, and so they work harder and train more consistently. Residents are happy, and spread the word like wildfire. More personal training clients allow us to improve the program even more. It's a cyclical win-win situation for everyone.
The HUR SmartBalance has helped me improve my balance and I have not had a fall since I began my personal training with Stephanie. This means everything to me."
~ Steve Shanahan, Paradise Valley Resident
Q: How has the HUR equipment supported the growth and success of the personal training program?
A: As trainers, one of the things we love most is the data. At any point, we can access real-time information for an accurate understanding of progress and potential problem areas. The data is also very motivating for our residents. Even when they don't feel like they're making progress, they can look at the screen and see that they are. The data is so powerful that our trainers incorporate it into progress reports as a way to keep residents motivated.
Also, the equipment is safe, effective, and our residents love training on it! One of the reasons they love it so much is that it's so easy to use. Residents are free to relax and enjoy their workout. The equipment automatically loads their training program so all they have to do is follow the directions. They don't even have to count their reps because the machine does it for them! As trainers, the HUR equipment allows us to be more effective because we can focus our attention on correct form, posture, and other techniques to maximize results. Plus, the reports make my job easier! I use them all the time to track trends and staffing classes.
"I'm feeling fine at 89 and I owe it all to HUR. Because of my diligent efforts to stay strong and fit I was able to continue playing ice hockey for the superstars until I was 85 years old. I work out 3x each week using the HUR strength training equipment and want to remain strong and vibrant for my grandchildren."
~ Jim Graham, Paradise Valley resident
Q: Do you have a couple of stories you can share about the effect personal training has had on your residents?
A: Absolutely! One of my clients initially came to me with concerns about balance. I got him on the HUR SmartBalance and he tested in the RED zone in all four areas. Today, he tests in the GREEN zone for all areas. Having that documented improvement is incredibly empowering! He's now taking exercise classes, power plate training and Pilates. Even though he's older, he's more active now than when he first joined the community!
Another of our residents used to be an avid hiker. Due to some health issues and muscle weakness, he had to give it up. After training with us, he's built up enough strength to go on some simple hikes. This has improved his quality of life so much!
One resident with MS was not able to walk when she first came to us. After training on the HUR equipment, she can walk with a walker and is much more independent.